When it comes to website design, there are many elements that make a good website.
While it can be tempting to include all the bells and whistles, it’s important that you focus on the purpose of your website and what you want your visitors to be able to achieve when visiting your website. The user experience is one of the most important elements of a good website.
How can you ensure you have a good website?
When it comes to your website there are some basics you should take into consideration.
Clear Navigation
Being able to find information on your website is crucial. Ensuring your navigation is easy to use and clear can make all the difference in helping your visitors engage with your content and services.
Break Up Large Blocks of Text
Information is an important part of your website, but large blocks of text can be a deterrent to visitors. Keep you web copy concise – outline what you offer, how you can help and why visitors should choose you.
Think about the aesthetic of your website; you want a website that is clean and pleasing to the eye. Using white space and colour effectively along with limiting the use of different fonts can help you achieve a clean design that visitors will be happy to scroll through.
Developing a brand / style guide and carrying through the elements outlined will help create consistency on your website and in other marketing collateral within your business.
Call to Action
Make sure it’s clear what you want visitors to your website to do. Do you want them to call and book an appointment? Make a purchase? Sign up for your newsletter? Whatever your call to action, make sure it’s clear throughout your website.
Keep It Simple
The most important aspect of a website is to not make it overly complicated. It should be easy to find the information you’re looking for or to take a desired action. When websites make it too complicated to complete simple tasks, visitors move on.
A great website can help your business thrive and convert website visitors into customers.
If you would like to discuss your website design project, contact the Buzzsites team. We have vast experience working with clients in various industries and designing websites across different platforms.